The firm FRATANTONI, DIEZ & Asociados, was founded in October 1991, supported by its founders prior clientele. Since then the profession and corporate consulting service have been exercised on a permanent basis, both in Argentina and in the Mercosur countries.
The Company presently includes 22 persons, distributed as follows: 4 partners, 10 professionals and 8 assistants.
There is additionally a permanent independent interdisciplinary staff of professionals, called to perform any task in particular if so required.

Our objective is to render an integral services, adjusted to the individual needs of each customer.
In order to render this service, we have structured the departments of Accounting, Audit, Taxes, Management Consulting and Remunerations.
Each area includes Professionals who consider the customer's dilemma as their own, finding through an interdisciplinary cooperation the most appropriate solutions to each circumstance.
Our modality consists in working teams gathered for each undertaking.